Sorry! in Family Circle
// posted by Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin
@ 2:42 PM Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy new years Team Sorry! players! I hope your party had as much Team Sorry! as Tabletalk's did.2006's first Sorry! scoop comes from Kim T. - a player well known on the Penn State/Brooklyn Sorry! Circuit for her ruthless use of 11's.
Now, I'm sure you may have missed it as you ripped into the December issue of Family Circle--I, too, couldn't wait to get to "Festive Family Feasts" and "Crowd-Pleasing Cookies" in the back of the magazine. Luckily, I stopped for a second at the editor's letter. See, my dear friend's boyfriend's mom (got that?) was just let go as the editor-in-chief, and I wanted to check out the bitch who replaced her. Ready to deface her editor's portrait with a fine-point felt-tip pen, I was shocked that what I saw, instead, brought a tear to my eye: The editor's entire family gathered around a Sorry! board!
If you look at the photo closely, little Nick is busy setting up for a game, and darling Susannah stares on in anticipation (either that, or she's really hungry for the popcorn sitting next to the board). But I digress--the moral of the story is this: How could I hate her? What a clever move by the folks at the Meredith Corporation, which publishes the magazine, to endear their new editor-in-chief to their loyal Family Circle readers. I have attached the page and am now inspired to go round up the fam for some Sorry! Enjoy!
Thanks Kim!
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